Monday Morning News Again… June 3, 2019

Mother’s Day
My mother turned 94 yesterday. She lives in an extended care facility, her mind and body not quite as agile as they once were, but still carrying herself with the same dignity and style that she always has.
Mom used to come home from parties with punchlines written on cocktail napkins… and would try them out on my brothers, father and I at dinner the next night. And often the physical telling of the joke was as funny as the actual joke itself… She loved to dance… and tap dance… I’ll never forget the night she sashayed into the Cabana Room for a Skydiggers show, parting the crowd like Moses parting the Red Sea, or the time in high school when she danced in the parents’ segment of the talent show to Carl Douglas’s Kung Fu Fighting… moments that terrified and thrilled me all at the same time… for I’ve come to the realization that I’m every bit my mother’s son, and that without her lead, her love, her sense of humour and her ability to poke fun at herself to make those around her laugh I wouldn’t have been doing what I’ve been doing (and loving what I’ve been doing) these past 35 years…
Love you, Mom,

June 3rd, 2019


Source: Skydiggers