Spring Things

May has been a great month so far, and there’s lots to tell!

About 10 years ago I was introduced to Michael Timmins, and in many ways that meeting laid the groundwork for my wonderful musical life to come. I was introduced to him by my good friend Anne Bourne, who had seen me sing my version of Pete Seeger’s One Grain of Sand and thought I should record it. I went to Mike’s old studio, the Clubhouse, and sang my 15-year old heart out! Mike and I went on to make my first 2 records together and I’ve learned immensely from working with him. Latent Recordings has chosen that original recording of One Grain of Sand as their feature for May’s Under Cover free download. You can download the song by clicking here.

In other news, kith&kin – my family a cappella trio – are branching out a bit this summer and presenting a music/theatre piece called The Hollow Square as part of the Toronto Fringe. The show will feature lots of the haunting Shapenote music that we perform, and our awesome choir will take part in the project as well! We have launched a crowdfunding campaign to help cover the costs of this labour-of-love, and donations can be made by clicking here. We only have a couple of weeks left to reach our goal – and we MUST reach our goal or we don’t get the money!

Also I have a new(ish) video to share! On the very last day of wintry weather in Toronto, Matt Bailey and I went out to shoot a live video of our song The First Day of Winter – we did it just in time! Many thanks to the Live in Bellwoods boys for making this beautiful video!

Source: Ivy Mairi